How Does LTA Ensure a Seamless and Secure Testing Process?

LTA utilizes advanced telehealth technology to simplify the process of obtaining lab orders, facilitating seamless collaboration between you and a licensed virtual physician.

When you order the test(s) you need, an account is automatically created for you, providing a secure and convenient location to access your lab orders and store results. During your first login, you will provide consent to work with us and the virtual physician, and, if applicable, to allow access to your lab results by any referred health provider.

The order is electronically reviewed and authorized by a licensed virtual physician in the state where your testing will take place. Once approved, a lab order is provided, ready for you to print and take to your selected testing location.

Your results, once processed and reviewed by the lab and virtual physician, are securely released to you and to anyone you have consented to share them with, ensuring your health information remains in your control.

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